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Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Chemistry Tutor Jobs
Chemistry Tutor JobsIf you are a college student or just trying to graduate, you may be searching for jobs at the local colleges in the area of Greensboro NC. The American Chemical Society in Greensboro NC offers many science jobs for students interested in pursuing their careers in science, or possibly if you are already working in science, there are a few positions available as well.When you graduate from college with a degree in biology, you may want to focus on a career that involves research. There are jobs available with the research center at the local college in Greensboro NC, and other options with the local colleges in the area. You may be looking for a job as a public or private research chemist.Chemistry is becoming more important in many different fields of study. This is especially true for graduate students. The demand for chemists with advanced degrees is greater than ever before, as the need for high quality products in today's society continues to increase. If you h ave the proper degree in chemistry and would like to advance your career, there are several jobs available.Many people are going back to school these days, hoping to get a Ph.D. in science, because they love science, and they are curious about how it all started. There are plenty of science jobs for Ph.D.s at the local colleges in Greensboro NC.A degree in molecular biochemistry is required by most of the pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the country. The level of education required varies widely, depending on the specific course and program that you choose, but most do require a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry, or mathematics.A course in molecular biology is also highly recommended. Not only will you learn how genes work, but you will also learn about the different enzymes, and how each one works. You can find this information online, or by going to your local college in Greensboro NC.Also, a degree in biology, chemistry, or physics gives you more knowledge of the pra ctical experience. You will get hands-on experience with labs, experiments, and experiments on real organisms. Most careers in science require a background in chemistry, biology, or physics, but there are also jobs available for a bachelor's degree in chemistry.
Friday, March 6, 2020
English Idioms Related to Goals - English Lesson via Skype
English Idioms Related to Goals - English Lesson via Skype Today were going to look at common English idioms related to goals and to achieving goals.A new year is a great time to set out your goals for the future whether they are personal or business orientated (connected to).It is important when setting goals to follow some basic guidelines:you want to ensure that your goals are achievable (do not make them too hard or too easy),you want to be able to measure them (need to have some way to determine if you are successful or not) andyou should commit your goals to paper (write them down) and place them somewhere you will see them everyday (on your fridge or your desk) and finally review them regularly so there are no surprises (check your progress, do you need to do something differently). Enjoyed this infographic? Hereâs what you can do next: 10 English Idioms Related to Goals Before you start off on your goals we need to look at the preparation.1. BUCKLE DOWNWe use this to tell ourselves it is time to get to work and start your project.Example: Come on, its time to buckle down to these goals and get started.2. EXPLORE ALL AVENUESBefore you start it is a good idea to do your research and understand clearly what your goals are.Example: I really explored all avenues open to me and eventually decided that this was the best option.3. LAY THE FOUNDATIONSIf you wish to be successful at anything it is really important to prepare and get everything ready.It is like building a house. You would never build a house unless you prepare the ground first and dig your foundations.So before attempting any goal make sure you lay the foundations, do your preparation and the goal should be achieved more easily.4. HAVE A BEE IN YOUR BONNETto be obsessed by an idea, to be constantly occupied with thoughtsExample: Peter has a bee in his bonnet about healthy eating.5. DIG YOUR HEELS INto refuse to do something or change your mind about somethingExample: She dug her heels in and said she wouldnt speak with me anymore.7. GET YOU TEETH INTO SOMETHINGto put a lot of effort into somethingExample: She really got her teeth into the writing. English Idioms related to Goals - Infographic When you have finished your project and you can review whether you have succeeded or not and whether you are satisfied with the results.If you are satisfied, you can use the following idioms for achieving goals:7. BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMSIf you have really over achieved you will be absolutely delighted and excited with your results.Example: I lost so much weight this time I am really happy it is beyond my wildest dreams!8. GO THE EXTRA MILEto put more work or effort than is expected of youExample: Sarah went the extra mile to achieve academic success last year.9. BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARSWhen you dedicated a lot of time and effort and energy into your project you can take even greater pleasure from any success.Example: I worked so hard at my goals, I gave it everything (I did as much as I could). I gave blood sweat and tears for this (I was 100% committed).10. AT ALL COSTSWhen you were determined to succeed no matter what it took you can say I did it (or I was prepared to do it) at a ll costs.Example: When I set out on this project I was determined that nothing would get in my way. No matter how long I had to spend or how hard I had to work I was determined to succeed. I did it at all costs. Sometimes (occasionally) we are not as successful as we had hoped. In these situations we can say we came up short or fell short of our desired goal. It is not a total failure but just under the target we set out. From time to time the reason for our lack of success may be due to someone else.For example, if in a work environment you are trying to achieve your sales target but you miss out (fail) because your boss increased the targets half way through the sales period then we can say:I missed my target because someone moved the goal posts! (the boss increased your target).If the reason why we did not succeed is due to our own mistake then we might be accused of scoring an own goal! (we caused the mistake ourselves).ex. If you have a big sales target to achieve in the month and half way through the month you take a few days holiday then you might be guilty of scoring an own goal! (literally an own goal is a football expression which means you put (kicked) the ball in to your own goal by accident and gave the advantage to the other team).Hope youve enjoyed this post. As always, I would appreciate if you could share these English Idioms related to Goals with your friends. Lets speak better English!
Georgia`s Black Families Replace Schools With Tutors
Georgia`s Black Families Replace Schools With Tutors Georgias black families now gravitate to tutoring and homeschooling. This fact is surprising because in the 1960, they fought a hard battle to gain access to the public school system. Today, this hard-won victory appears to be in vain as more and more black families leaving public schools and turn towards tutoring and homeschooling. One of these parents is Nikita Bush, former public school teacher, now homeschooling mom. She explains: Despite the promises of the civil rights movement, people are starting to realize that public education in America was designed for the masses of poor, and its intent has been to trap poor people into being workers and servants. If you dont want that for your children, then you look for something else, she says. This sentiment is statistically supported by a poll conducted by the Leadership Conference Education Fund which concluded: Nine-out-of-ten African Americans and 84 percent of Latinos disagree that students today work hard enough and instead believe that students should be challenged more to help ensure they are successful later in life. In another study the reading, math and language scores of black home-schooled and tutored students in Georgia was compared with back public schooled students. In all three categories students who received tutoring at home outperformed their counterparts by a large margin. Why are black students in the state of Georgia so successful? Cheryl Fields-Smith, a professor of education at the University of Georgia, knows the reason: Georgia has less bad regulations. Fields-Smith explains, While most states prohibit homeschooling parents from tutoring anybody except their own children, Georgia has no such restriction. That has given rise to co-ops, where, in essence, groups of parents serve as rotating tutors, based on their own skill sets, talents, and fortes. It is surprising how this relatively small piece legislative easement can give rise to better educated black students. Moreover, Georgias excellent tutors support this positive fact, many of whom now work on TutorZ. Georgia`s Black Families Replace Schools With Tutors Georgias black families now gravitate to tutoring and homeschooling. This fact is surprising because in the 1960, they fought a hard battle to gain access to the public school system. Today, this hard-won victory appears to be in vain as more and more black families leaving public schools and turn towards tutoring and homeschooling. One of these parents is Nikita Bush, former public school teacher, now homeschooling mom. She explains: Despite the promises of the civil rights movement, people are starting to realize that public education in America was designed for the masses of poor, and its intent has been to trap poor people into being workers and servants. If you dont want that for your children, then you look for something else, she says. This sentiment is statistically supported by a poll conducted by the Leadership Conference Education Fund which concluded: Nine-out-of-ten African Americans and 84 percent of Latinos disagree that students today work hard enough and instead believe that students should be challenged more to help ensure they are successful later in life. In another study the reading, math and language scores of black home-schooled and tutored students in Georgia was compared with back public schooled students. In all three categories students who received tutoring at home outperformed their counterparts by a large margin. Why are black students in the state of Georgia so successful? Cheryl Fields-Smith, a professor of education at the University of Georgia, knows the reason: Georgia has less bad regulations. Fields-Smith explains, While most states prohibit homeschooling parents from tutoring anybody except their own children, Georgia has no such restriction. That has given rise to co-ops, where, in essence, groups of parents serve as rotating tutors, based on their own skill sets, talents, and fortes. It is surprising how this relatively small piece legislative easement can give rise to better educated black students. Moreover, Georgias excellent tutors support this positive fact, many of whom now work on TutorZ.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Reading for Kids How to Motivate a Child to Read Books
Reading for Kids How to Motivate a Child to Read Books In our age of the mass media and the Internet children prefer to spend time watching TV or playing computer games. Very few juniors realize that reading a book may be just as exciting and breathtaking as watching a movie of the same story. However, experienced readers know that impressions after reading a good book may be even more breathtaking than after viewing an action movie. Besides, reading is extremely useful for a young mind: reading develops imagination and emotional qualities, reading is brilliant gymnastics for the brain, reading improves memory and enlarges vocabulary, reading helps kids learn attention focusing and patience, reading stimulates cognitive capacity, reading is a source of knowledge about the world. What can parents do to arouse a childâs interest in reading? It is very important to start instilling a love of reading into children at infancy. This implies not just work on qualities of a small person but mostly work on your own laziness. It is much easier to allow a child to watch colorful cartoons instead of spending hours with the child reading books aloud. However, thoughtful parents may not neglect all of the benefits of raising an intelligent and clever child in spite of all additional efforts needed. The parentsâ way of life is the best example of proper behavior for their children. So the best and easiest way for parents to teach children to love reading is to inspire them by personal example. Kids always imitate the behavior of their parents. If a baby often sees books in motherâs or fatherâs hands, the baby will want to have the same âtoyâ too. Books may become the favorite playthings of a child long before he or she learns to read. With the due diligence of the parents there is even a chance that using books as toys will not necessarily lead to their destruction. The next milestone is to start to read aloud to a child as early as possible. This not only imparts reading skills to a baby, even if a baby cannot understand all the words yet this stimulates the development of auditory perception, curiosity and thinking abilities. If a child hears a new word or a new unclear fact or idea this evokes natural curiosity, incites a kid to ask questions and to get at the roots of things. There is an obstacle that prevents most children from reading books television. Many children, as well as adults, canât imagine life without TV. Of course, there are many useful and informative programs for children on TV and it is not possible to reject television completely. But it is necessary to make it clear to a child that a book contains advanced variants of a film version of a story. The main thing is that, before they watch a film version, children must develop their own vision of a story. So that the book has been imprinted in childâs memory as the original source and the child has developed his own cognitive experience. So beware that you must not allow children to spend too much time being glued to the TV. Another very important point is a selection of books for little listeners and readers but it is a rich topic which deserves to be reviewed in a separate article. In the beginning the major task is to detect genres and authors that holds a childâs attention most of all. Reading books is extremely useful on all stages of personal development from early childhood when children only begin to understand the world by listening to books read by their parents till the mature age when books provide knowledge needed for spiritual growth and adaptation to age crises. Books teach to love, to empathize, to analyze actions and to trace cause-and-effect relations between events. Reading books contributes to the development of a holistic and well-balanced personality. Help your child to grow up to be a reader!, a nationwide tutoring referral service, offers a wide range of reading tutors in any US city: Los Angeles, Phoenix, Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Portland, Houston, Miami or in any other city.
How to Start Off Your Fall Internship With a Strong Foundation
How to Start Off Your Fall Internship With a Strong Foundation via Interns Australia Internships are an extraordinary time to put what you have been learning into practice and to gain some experience in the working world, and hopefully, in the field you would like to work in someday. Interns often receive a lot of guidance and support from those who supervise their work and those who work alongside them that puts them in a good position to succeed after graduating. Like any new experience, there is initially some trepidation on the first day coupled with the goal of making a good impression. Making a good impression could mean a full-time job in the future as well as good references and lifelong friends. With that in mind, there are a few things you can do to ensure your internship is well-worth the time and effort. Seek the right internship opportunity Avoid getting into an internship just because some of the students in your class have one. If you do this, you will most likely take the first one you find and not receive the full benefit of such an experience. Begin your search by asking questions: How does this relate to my academic goals? Is this needed to receive class credit? Will I be able to use this experience on my resume and/or in the working world? Is the company Iâm choosing worth the time and effort? Questions like these can help guide you to the right internship. Set personal goals and expectations for the experience The more goals you set for yourself, the more likely you are to succeed. The more expectations you set for yourself, the better youâre going to be at holding yourself to a certain standard. The company or organization has goals that you will be a part of achieving and setting your own goals inside the company goals means you can personally achieve too. Go into an internship expecting to do what your supervisor tells you, but also be prepared to take initiative and make the opportunity one that is worthwhile. Almost every situation can be a learning experience if we make it so. Meet the people you will be working with beforehand People help to make companies what they are so it is a good idea to reach out and connect with some of the people youâll be working with. Doing so can help you learn more about the company, the type of characteristics it looks for in its employees, and the goals of the company. A face to face meeting is sometimes possible, but if not, simply research them. LinkedIn can be a very good source of information as well as a simple Google search of their name. Develop lifelong connections early Internships are an opportunity for you to develop connections with people that will last a lifetime. You will always be able to refer to those connections if you have a question or even if you need a recommendation. Further, you can place your internship on your resume for future job applications and count the skills you developed as part of your repertoire. Be prepared to do your best work Like anything in life, you must give it your very best shot. Those who make the best grades, many times, arenât necessarily the smartest, but they work the hardest and are committed to doing excellent work. Giving your best isnât just an activity; it is a state of mind and enhances your personal well-being. One reason is that when we do our best work, we not only help reach the overall goal and impress the boss, we also feel good about our performance. Seek out advice from your supervisor and coworkers Be ready and willing to ask questions. Many times, interns fear asking questions because they think it will come across as stupid or it will be overlooked because of their age. That is almost never the case. In most instances, people are willing to answer your questions and give you advice when and where you need it. Seeking advice and asking questions is part of what it means to learn. If we dont understand or know something, we ask. Even Google is willing and ready to give us answers; all we have to do is type in the question. Of course, it takes practice but over time, you will learn a lot more by overcoming that fear and reaching out. Internships, like most everything else, are what you make it. With classes and other duties, you can still make your experience a rewarding one with the suggestions above. Once you get past the first day, I promise, it will become easier. And if youâre not in your final year yet, you may want to consider doing another one for the fun, the connections, and the experience.
Fast Track Degree - Tutor Hunt Blog
Fast Track Degree Fast Track Degree Fast Track DegreeUniversitiesEducation ministers announced on Friday that Students will be given the option to choose a fast track, two year degree. Those choosing this condensed course will have to work far more intensely, with their studies running well into the lengthy summer break. Unfortunately the cost of this two year course will not be any cheaper than the full three year degree. Logic might suggest that fees would be one third lower, a saving of thousands of pounds - but this is not the case. Students selecting this fast track degree course will pay the same as those choosing the traditional three year degree. Savings can still be made though, since a shorter study period will mean accommodation costs will be reduced. The intended merits of this fast track degree option are not financial ones though. Universities Minister Jo Johnson has said the flexibility of shorter degrees are hoped to attract more mature students, disadvantaged youngsters, and anyone else who might be intimidated by a full three year degree course. In repose to criticism that students would be paying the same fees for a compressed course, he said that the fast track degrees would be the `Same standard, same quality,` and that the students would receive exactly the same level of education. Addressing university leaders in London, Mr Johnson went on to say `It`s not fewer credits, or lower quality of provision, it`s the same standard, the same quality, but in a compressed period of time and that involves an increase in resources, which needs to be recognised in the fee structure.` Speaking about the benefits for the fast track system Mr Johnson said `there are clear advantages for the student,` such as saving a year`s living costs, which would allow them to get into employment quicker. For years there has been a growing advocacy for the UK to offer more flexibility in the structure in it`s higher, post sixth form, education system. Accelerated degrees are already offered by a number of universities - it was the previous labour and coalition governments that sanctioned this - however only a relatively small number of degrees can currently be completed in two years. The current proposals could lead to a far more extensive roll out of this fast track system - indeed, it could eventually become the norm for most degrees to offer this option. The change that has facilitated this proposal is the lifting of the annual tuition fee cap - it currently stands at 9000, but ministers are expected to raise this shortly, most likely to around 13000, which would enable universities to offer fast track degrees for the same cost as their regular three year courses. Many have been critical over these new proposals - the UCU (university and college Union) have said that the primary beneficiaries would not be students themselves, but private, for profit companies, who would do very well out of a `pile `em high and teach `em cheap` attitude to teaching. Sally Hunt, the UCU general secretary was extremely critical of the proposals, said that `accelerated degrees risk undermining the well-rounded education upon which our universities` reputation is based. As well as placing a huge burden on staff, these new degrees would only be available to students who could study all year round. Our universities must remain places of learning, not academic sweatshops` The Russell Group, an organisation founded in 1994, and which represents 24 of the country`s leading universities, has also been openly critical of the two year degree proposal. Dr Tim Bradshaw, its acting director said that while innovation is to be welcomed in the education field `full-time, three-year degree programmes are generally the most appropriate at research-intensive institutions`. There are certainly benefits to the fast track system - being able to enter the job market a year earlier may be chief among them. What`s concerning however is the potential for the degree to be devalued, that the motivation of this move is for universities to increase their profitability by providing shorter courses for the same price. 3 years ago0Add a Comment
What Is Doping Chemistry and How Do You Know What Youre Getting Into?
What Is Doping Chemistry and How Do You Know What You're Getting Into?In sport, the word 'doping' has become synonymous with any and all means to improve a performance; it was once, to most, just a dirty word. But today, as scientists continue to explore the mind and body of athletes using sports drugs, the word 'doping' has been broadened to also refer to an athletic drug which is chemically engineered in order to enhance athletic performance.Doping is an issue for some athlete who are so dedicated to their sport that they think nothing is out of the ordinary when it comes to their sport. What is doping chemistry? Basically, it is a growing concern about the doping of athletic performance. There are those who believe that no way can someone be so dedicated to their sport as to give up their own health to do so.As more athletes become better at their sport, the incidence of serious athletic performance issues is on the rise. That's when concerned parents ask, 'what is doping?' The an swer, according to some experts, is that many sports are using designer-drugs in order to create a better sport - with the goal of gaining a better place in the athletic world.Doping Chemicals could be used by any professional athlete to increase their performance; something like this has been rumored to occur since the discovery of an amino acid called epimedium, which is a common ingredient in so many athletic supplements. It enhances a blood's 'aspirin effect' in terms of preventing 'aching muscles,' by boosting protein synthesis. However, like anything else, it should not be taken or prescribed without the approval of a medical professional.However, there is also growing concern about the inclusion of amphetamines in some of the sports supplements that can be found over the counter at most pharmacies. These designer amphetamines are often taken to increase the performance of athletes, but can cause a host of negative side effects, both in the short and long term. On top of that, it has been found that these amphetamines alter a person's brain chemistry, making it difficult for them to get a full night's sleep.Whether or not the synthetic chemicals or amphetamines will have an effect on a person's performance, the thing is, is that no one knows. The only sure way to know for sure is to ask a medical professional who can tell you if the product you are taking has adverse side effects or not.In the end, the best advice you can give your child about how to stay safe while participating in the sports they love is to follow the rules and if they're unsure or want to talk to a sports trainer, make sure they ask their parent first. If they ask you, you're the best person to tell them what is doping chemistry.
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